Monday, February 27, 2017

Hiking and Horse Manure

Santa vaca! Hola, marzo! 

Another great week here in beautiful Paris, KY! 

On Monday, we went to Natural Bridge with the STLs. It was the perfect day to hike! We had a lot of laughs and took a lot of pictures. It was a great last hoorah with Sister Israelsen who went home on Wednesday. We miss you, Sister Iz!

On Tuesday, we had a great lesson with a less-active, her children, and her boyfriend. I have never seen that many cockroaches in a house, but I survived! We shared Mountains to Climb, one of my favorite Mormon Messages. Her boyfriend shared a similar experience he had when he broke his leg and had to rely on others to help him. He believes that it happened so that he would turn to God. 

Wednesday was great! We reviewed part of the Worldwide Missionary Broadcast from a few weeks ago and came up with some great ideas to improve our area and to help establish the ward. We visited a the O family who are less-active. Sister O was watching her grandchildren overnight, so we weren't able to have a lesson. She seemed a little stressed with everything she had to do before bed, one of which was listening to her 8-year-old granddaughter read out loud. I felt impressed to ask if she'd like us to read with her while she fed the baby. She was willing to let us, and it was so fun! It took me back to teaching my cute 4th grade kiddos. I don't get trunky. I promise! 

Our service/lesson with Aleah on Thursday was amazing. We helped her with some Spanish words she didn't know from her reading, and then we had a lesson on patriarchal blessings. She's a little hesitant and nervous to get it, so we talked about our experiences when we prepared for ours and the strength we have received from them. We invited her to pray and ask if she should get her blessing right now. We promised her that she would receive an answer that she'd feel comfortable with. 

On Friday, we had a lesson with our investigator, Teresa. She's asking more questions each time we meet. This time she had them written down in her notebook. So cool! We had a member come with us too. She got home from her mission six months ago and really helped us by the questions she asked Teresa. Teresa hasn't ever considered where she came from or her purpose. I felt impressed to ask her to pray to Heavenly Father and ask Him how He feels about her. We promised her that she would receive an answer and that she would feel of His love for her. After our lesson, we visited the Flores'. I met her while on exchanges with Sister Israelsen, so Hermana Starling and I were excited to talk together with her. We are going to work with them to get them to the temple to be sealed. How wonderful!

Saturday was a day full of service! We helped a family who owns a riding club. We got to clean out the horse stalls. Hay and horse manure. It was great! We got to see some really pretty horses, but most importantly, we were able to help a family in need. 

Sunday was my first time giving a talk on my mission. First time! I was asked to speak on keeping the Sabbath day holy. As a missionary, it's pretty effortless to keep the Sabbath day holy because we are studying, teaching, serving, and finding people. Before my mission, I did not fully obey this commandment. As we consider our Sabbath day observance and the activities we choose, we can ask ourselves these questions: Is it honoring the Lord? Is it doing good? Is it spiritually uplifting? Would Jesus approve of it?  I really like what Elder Nelson said in "The Sabbath is a Delight." "'In my much younger years, I studied the work of others who had compiled lists of things to do and things not to do on the Sabbath. It wasn’t until later that I learned from the scriptures that my conduct and my attitude on the Sabbath constituted a sign between me and my Heavenly Father. With that understanding, I no longer needed lists of dos and don’ts. When I had to make a decision whether or not an activity was appropriate for the Sabbath, I simply asked myself, “What sign do I want to give to God?” That question made my choices about the Sabbath day crystal clear.'"

I know that as we keep the Sabbath day holy, we are blessed with spiritual strength. Our families live in harmony. I invite you to examine feelings about and behavior on Sundays. Go to Heavenly Father in pray and ask Him if those feelings and behavior are pleasing to Him. Ask Him what more you can to do to better observe this day. 

I love serving the Lord. I love finding people and sharing the knowledge that I have been given, the knowledge of who they are, why they are here, and that they have a heavenly home waiting for them. I love talking of my Brother, Jesus Christ. I am blessed to be His disciple. I love this work. 

Thank you to my family and friends who pray for me and love me unconditionally. 

Muchísimas amor, 

Hermana Boyson

Neature. Isn't that neat?! Natural Bridge with Sister Israelsen, Sister Johns, and Hermana Star. I love these seesters.
They said "Let's take a serious one." 

Some members work at Frank's Donuts. It's a good excuse to get fat on donuts. We love these chicas! Veronica and her daughter, Angela.


Saturday, February 25, 2017

It's Real Son and Boyyyyyson

Holy cannoli! Where has February gone?!

Fantastic week! We got transfer news on Saturday. Hermana Starling and I are staying together another transfer! Blessed! This last transfer has been amazing. She's helped me to gain confidence in my Spanish speaking abilities and has helped me to laugh and love missionary work. I can't wait for another six weeks!

We had a faith drop this week. We had so many investigators who we were holding on to that aren't ready at this time. We know we've planted seeds, but unanswered texts and calls helped us to know that we needed to put our faith in the Lord and show Him we are ready for the elect. 

We had exchanges on Tuesday, and I got to work Winchester with Sister Israelsen. It's-REAL-sooonnn! She's amazing! She has such a fire and a love for the work. We got to help serve at a museum and a homeless shelter. My favorite part of the exchange was meeting two Hispanic families and sharing a lesson by myself in Spanish. I realized how much I'm not relying on the Lord to help me language, and just how much I need His help. We taught their investigator, Sandy. She's golden! It was a neat experience to feel God's love for one of His children. She is an elect and soaks up everything she's taught. It was great!

On Friday night, we had planned to visit Bonnie, an elderly woman in the ward, but when we parked in front of her house, it didn't feel right. We weren't sure why, but we followed the impression. The next morning, we went to visit her, and when we got there, she was getting ready walk to Main Street and get lunch. No, Bonnie! We walked an hour and a half with her, and we know we were prompted not to visit her Friday because we needed to be there for her. It was great to be there for her and talk together. 

Jacob had his farewell on Sunday, and it was incredible! He has been so prepared to serve a mission at this time in his life. His testimony is already so powerful, so I can't imagine how he'll be after his mission. It's amazing to witness the power the gospel gives those who turn their lives over to Christ. Good luck, Jacob! You're going to kill it in Colombia!

As I've studied this week, I've learned a lot about myself and how much I need to rely on the Lord. I read an article from the April 2015 Ensign called "It Isn't A Sin to Be Weak." I've realized that I am getting in my own way with success--success with Spanish, success in serving others, and success in repentance. My goal for my mission is to be confident, see myself as inherently good and of worth, and to have a desire to align my behavior with a positive self-image. I want to trust fully in the redemptive power of the Atonement of Christ and to increase my confidence in God's love and help. Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." I bear testimony that if we are willing, God will show us our weaknesses, and that through Christ and only through Him, out weaknesses can be turned into strengths.

I love you so! Gotta go! 

Hermana Boyson

Elder Sherwood, me, Jacob, and Elder Simons on P-day. Hermana Starling was trying to get the sardine taste out of her mouth.
Sandy, Sister Israelsen, and me after our lesson. Love you, Sandy!
We promise we ate more than just carrots and hummus
Pioneer District in the house! Sister Nielson, Hna. Starling, me, Sister Groesbeck, Sister Kerr, Elder Simons, and Elder Sherwood
Walking and talking with Sweet Bonnie. 

Goodbye, Jacob! See you in two! Mario shared his testimony and did so well with his english!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Short, Sweet, and To the Point

This email will be condensed because I'm choosing to play this P-day. Yaaaas!

This week has been amazing! We had a great experience with Susie, a less-active. When she opened the door, she seemed less than enthused to see us. She said she was busy and in a hurry. I felt impressed to ask her if we could pray with her before we left, and she agreed. The Spirit was so strong as soon as the prayer began, and I felt an overwhelming love for Susie. Her heart really softened, and she opened up to us about the trials and challenges in her life. It was a powerful experience for Hermana Starling and me! The Lord is so mindful of His children, and I am grateful and humbled to be an instrument.

We had to drop one of our investigators which was a huge bummer, but good news! Teresa is making huge progress! We were able to have a member present lesson, and Teresa opened up so much more. She's coming to church on Sunday! She even asked about it before we even mentioned it!

We have been doing a lot more work in Cynthiana, and we found a really great family! We shared "Mountains to Climb" and they really connected with it. The father is an amputee, so that has created a lot of challenges for all of them. Prayer is really important to them, and we bore our testimonies about the power of prayer. We invited  them to start praying as a family. We are very hopeful of them!

On Saturday, I was able to speak at Ian's baptism. He's the son of our Elders Quorum President. It was so fun to speak on this important and cleansing ordinance. I prepared a baptism bag (found in the June 2016 issue of The Friend), and I felt like I was back in my classroom! It was a tender mercy of the Lord. Thankfully, I didn't get trunky. :)

I was reading in Alma 58 this week, and I use the Book of Mormon Institute Manual as a supplement. I read this during personal study this week, and it has really stuck out to me.

"'While serving as a member of the Seventy, Elder Dennis E. Simmons explained that God’s peace is not dependent on outward circumstances:

“If all the world is crumbling around us, the promised Comforter will provide His peace as a result of true discipleship. … We can have His peace with us irrespective of the troubles of the world. His peace is that peace, that serenity, that comfort spoken to our hearts and minds by the Comforter, the Holy Ghost, as we strive to follow Him and keep His commandments. …

“Just as Helaman discovered in the midst of battle that ‘he did speak peace to our souls’ (Alma 58:11) … , all sincere seekers can have that same peace spoken to them. That peace comes from the assurances spoken by a still, small voice” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1997, 41–42; or Ensign, May 1997, 31).'"

I know that through The Spirit we can feel comfort whenever it is needed. I have felt this same kind of comfort as I have gone to my Heavenly Father in prayer, as I have read and studied about our Savior, and as I have attended church. I am so happy to be the Lord's missionary to bring the world His truth. I love the gospel and the joy it brings to the lives of those who follow Christ. Thank you for your continued support. I am so blessed.

Love you so! Gotta go!
Five months! We celebrated the right way. 🍦 ❤️
We had to get an estimate for damage to our car (We didn't do it!) This was the estimate from "the other guy."
Our zone is great, and our Mission President is even better! (I'm the one with my hand is on my forehead)

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Member Missionaries and Mexican Tacos 🌮

It's February!  Where has the time gone? It's been a great week here in Paris. 

Monday: We had dinner with the Bishop and his wife, and we had an incredible lesson with them. Sister P has such a powerful testimony. It's like a home away from home. It's comforting to have wonderful places like this as a missionary. We shared the story of The Brother of Jared and how we can "light stones" by sharing a Book of Mormon with scriptures highlighted that answer questions of the soul. They both were excited to prepare a Book of Mormon and share it with someone through inspiration.

Tuesday: We drove to Winchester to see Teresa. We didn't know if she'd be home. We usually see her on Friday evenings, but we felt impressed to visit her on this day during weekly planning. Oh, man! It was so great to have a lesson with her! She has been reading without even asking her to read. She has amazing questions and a desire to learn. We are praying that she will accept baptism at our next lesson!

Wednesday: Back to Winchester tonight. We visited Carlos, a recent convert and Alex, a less-active. They are roommates. Alex is struggling with not being as blessed as he'd like to be. He wants to be married and feels he's being stifled. We shared 2 Nephi 25:26 and invited them, especially Alex, to study and learn about Jesus Christ so that they can do as it says in 2 Nephi. Later we shared "Continue in Patience" by President Uchtdorf, and he really enjoyed the message. Sometimes, our loving Heavenly Father asks us to wait. Great blessings come from developing the patience necessary to do God's will instead of our own.

Thursday: Elders Sherwood and Simons, Hermana Starling, and I went to Cynthiana, another small town outside of Paris, to tract. We met Makenzie and taught her about The Restoration right there on the porch, and she was very receptive to our message. She accepted a baptismal date for March! Ironically, it was the first time I've tracted! It was a really neat experience to work together with other missionaries. We had dinner with Jared, Nicki, and their two little kids. Nicki shared a really neat experience about miscarriage and the strength she received from the scriptures. She was very angry about the situation she was in, and in desperation for comfort, she opened up to 2 Nephi and read verses 26 through 30. Instantaneously, her angry was swept away and she felt peace. Amazing! I know that the Book of Mormon is the source of all strength in this life because it testifies of the One that felt all of our pains.

Friday: We had dinner with Steve and Cindy from the ward. We talked about member missionary work and shared D&C 100:2-8. We testified that as they pray for someone specific to share the gospel with, they will receive a specific answer. It's important that we remember the promise found in this scripture. "And I give unto you this promise, that inasmuch as ye do this the Holy Ghost shall be shed forth in bearing record unto all things whatsoever ye shall say." We are asked to bring the true UNTO their hearts, and The Spirit will bring the true INTO their hearts. Because of this, we need not fear!

Saturday: Another trip to Winchester tonight. Third time's a charm! We had a really good lesson with Rutilo. It's amazing to see people open up over time as they soften their hearts and feel The Spirit testify of truth. He's a really cool guy and has a desire to know more each time we teach him. Bonus! He made us carne asada and chorizo tacos. Mmmmmmm!

Sunday: We had a really neat experience this afternoon! We got a little lost while looking for a less-active, and we ended up running into Nick. He had so many great questions and concerns about things he's learned at his church. As we were teaching him, Hermana Starling wished that the Elders were here, too. We looked down the street and saw their car driving past us. The Spirit is real! They had been driving and felt inspired to turn down the street where we were talking with Nick. WHAT?! So cool! We left him with a Book of Mormon and asked him to pray to know if his beliefs were in harmony with what Heavenly Father wants for him or if what we shared was true.

Being a disciple of Christ is truly humbling. I love seeing the change that happens in people who are willing and ready to hear. Jesus Christ is our Savior, and we are the children of a literal Father in heaven. We are so blessed to have the Book of Mormon to show us the way to return back home. I love this gospel and the opportunity I have to share it with Heavenly Father's children. 

Con amor, 

❤️ Hermana Boyson

Hermana Starling's 15-month mark! Naturally, we celebrated with ice cream from Hardee's.
When you tell the sister missionaries you're not interested. #jokes #chistes