Monday, August 14, 2017

Freekin' Frijoles, Francisco!

Hey, y'all!

What a great week! Tuesday was transfers, and we got to see the departing missionaries. I got to see Hermana Parra! She looked so happy and fulfilled. Hermana Fluckiger is my new companion, and she's so cool! She's a lot like one of my best friends from home, so it's like I'm serving with her! Hermana Fluckiger (flu-key-grrrr) is a powerhouse missionary. I feel so blessed and grateful to have her as a companion. She has such a kind heart and a way with people. 

We had the neatest thing happen to us this week. We were praying about where to go to find a new investigator, and we decided to go visit a less-active named Lupe and then work the neighborhood. When we pulled into her neighborhood, I honestly had doubts that we'd have any success. We pulled up to her house and found her son, Francisco, sitting on the porch. He checked to see if she would come out to talk with us, but he said she was sleeping. We talked to him for awhile, and he opened up to us about some family things and how he's been feeling really lost and depressed lately. We shared "The Refiner's Fire" ( with him and talked about it, and he said he wanted to come to church! Whaaaaat?! He hasn't been in 12 years since he was baptized. We knew that we were inspired to look for Lupe so that we could find Francisco.

On Sunday morning, we stopped by his house to help him get to church, and his sister said that he had just gotten picked up by his girlfriend for breakfast. Our hearts sunk. He seemed so solid! We got to church and as we were telling a member what happened, I saw Francisco walk in! I got Hermana Fluckiger's attention, and we both just looked at each other with huge smiles! He was welcomed back with open arms by so many people. He said for 10 years missionaries have been trying to get someone--anyone--from their family to come back to church. Heavenly Father really does just love us and knows exactly how to help us. He loves Francisco and knew that we needed to help him. I am so grateful to be the Lord's instrument. 

During companionship study this week, Hermana Fluckiger and I were talking about Christlike attributes and adversity. This is from an article called "The Fourth Missionary". I loved it and want to shared it with you all. 

"Every challenge you face, every hard thing you confront, every bad thing that happens to you, every unfairness, every conflict, every sadness, tragedy, every disappointment and heartache, every temptation and every opposition happens for one purpose only:  to give you opportunity to respond by applying in your life the teachings of Jesus. As you do so you are changed to become more like Him. 

If you were never presented with some  advantage to be gained by dishonesty, such as recognition, or money, or a better grade on a test or avoidance of punishment or embarrassment, you could never develop integrity. If no one ever offended you, you  could never learn to forgive or internalize mercy.  Were you never wearied by the  annoying behavior of another or the repeated failures of someone else, you could never become patient. Were you never subjected to the appetites and passions of the physical body for food, for water and for sexual fulfillment, you could not develop self-mastery. Without opposition, the plan would be frustrated, you could not progress, and the purpose of life would be unachievable.

In short, when you choose to follow Christ, you move forward and assimilate attributes of light; when you do not, you move backward and acquire attributes of darkness."

Love you all for who you are, and Heavenly Father loves you because you're His. Face your trials with trust in the Savior. The Lord is the way, and we can become like Him through adversity.


Hermana Boyson

My girl. Hope you're taking a nice long nap, abuela! Sure love ya! #lasabuelas

Elder Sherwood and the awkwardness of not being able to stand normally by a missionary of the opposite gender hahaha! 

Sister Pearce is the kindest and gentleness woman this side of the Mississippi. My mother in Kentucky. 

Monday, August 7, 2017

Cleaning, Charity, and Church Attendance

Hey, y'all!

We had a really good week this week! We had 10 hours of service! We washed one of our member's windows inside and out, cleaned and organized Ms. Lillian's cabinets, fed horses and pulled carrots at another member's home, pulled weeds at a less-active's house, and helped a family in the ward move. It was so great! 

We had a really REALLY good MLC this week. We were trained on inviting and helping our investigators get to church and how to cut out things that keep us from being the best missionaries and people we can be. I feel so incredibly blessed and humbled to be able to go to these meetings, to sit among such powerful missionaries.

We have had a lot of good contact with Eulises! He seems to have a desire to learn. We taught him about prayer, but he was very apprehensive to pray with us. He told us that he'd read in the Book of Mormon and pray that night. After we got home for the night, he sent us a message asking us to help him pray. He is so humble and willing to do what is right. 

Well, Hermana Wilkinson is leaving to whitewash train in Owensboro, so I'm getting a new companion. I'm sad to only have one transfer with her, but she is needed somewhere else. Her trainee is so lucky to have her as her trainer. My new companion is Hermana Fluckiger from Wyoming. 

This scripture has been on my mind this week. When we can see others through God's eyes, we become like our Savior. We will see miracles as we reach out with love.
Mosiah 7:48 "Wherefore, my beloved brethren, ​​​pray​ unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true ​​​followers​ of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we ​​shall ​​​be​ like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be ​​​purified​ even as he is pure. Amen."

Thank you all for the love that you have shown me and for your support. I love you all! Have a great week!

Hermana Boyson

Kentucky Kingdom! No one lost their legs today.
Our lesson on the driveway with Eulises, Waverly, Dominic, and Salomon. 
Shelbyville District ❤️ We'll miss you, Hermana Wilkinson and Elder Hemsley!
The cuuuuutest little kitten. She's only two months old. 
Twinning with Waverly. 
The craziest, but the greatest.
The same spot where we took our first picture together. Love you, Hermana! Ooobviouslyyyyy! It's fine. It's fiiiiiine. ❤️ 

Sunday, August 6, 2017


Hey y'all!

This will be really short because we're going to Kentucky Kingdom today!

We had a week full of miracles! We had the neatest thing happen on
Saturday! We felt impressed to go visit Vicente, a former investigator
who lives about 20 minutes out of town. We got to his home, but no one
answered. We waited and waited. After a few minutes, a car pulled up
and a man got out. We both looked at each other like "oh my gosh,
that's him!" It turned out that he was only looking for the car for
sale in the yard. He drove away, and we both just stood there. We both
started praying to see a miracle, and right then another car pulled
in. It was Vicente! Say whaaaaaat?! We set up a return appointment and
had a nice introduction with him.

We had a really good lesson with Eulises. He's 17 and so humble. He
has a great desire to learn. He was so attentive in the lesson even
with his other friends there. We extended a baptismal date, and he
couldn't accept fast enough. The look in his eyes was so sincere and
sweet. I can totally see him getting baptized.

¡Que tenga una buena semana! Have a great week!

Hermana Boyson

Our favorite girl came out with us yesterday. Waverly, you're the greatest! ❤️

We pulled up carrots at the Smith's, and we got soooo sweaty. 🥕 💦 

The Galvezs treated us to Ghiradelli 🍦 mmmmm! And I got to see Hermana Parra! 

This is a week late, but we had exchanges with the Highlands sisters, Sister Cook and Sister Allred.