Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Farm Animals and Faith in the Book


¿Cómo han estado? We did a lot of service this week! It was my first
week helping out Steve on his farm. Holy moly. It was interesting. He
has hogs, an emu, goats, sheep, deer, and bison. I'm probably missing
an animal or two. Steve is really great. He's rough and tough, but
towards us he's a teddy bear.

We serve at the food bank now! It's a great way to make a positive
name for ourselves in the community. We have a good time running
around filling orders. :)

We found a lot of part-members and less-actives this week, so we were
able to get to know them better and offer service. We met Jesse and
his wife and family. They're so sweet! His wife, Elizabeth, is so
cool. Both of them were really open with us and allowed us to get to
know them. We get to go back and plant some lavender for them. Yay!

Our investigators, Kyle and Megan, are progressing. We're hoping to be
able to teach them more in the next few lessons. They have some hold
ups on the Book of Mormon, and they're devoted believers in the Bible.
They know it very well. It's intimidating! I love the Bible. I just
don't know it well at all. And there are so many out there! Teaching
them has given me a greater love and testimony of the Book of Mormon.
Through multiple translations, precious truths are lost. Through the
Book of Mormon, we have the fulness of the gospel. We have answers to
the questions of the soul. We know perfectly how to find lasting
happiness here on earth and how to make it back to our Heavenly
Father. I love this book!

I am grateful every day to be able to do the Lord's work. It's hard
out here, but this time I have been given to be a missionary is a
blessing. I love it!

Con amor,
Hermana Boyson

Christmas in May! Hermano Howard and his wife bought us Sam's Club!

Eddie! Our pet possum got out and now look at him! (*Not our pet possum. Don't worry, Mom.)

esus wants you to succeed! He knows you and loves who you are and who you're becoming ❤️ 

Chicos malos. 

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Indiana and The Iron Rod

Hola, mi familia y mis amigos!

Hello from Indiana! New city, new companion, new adventures!

I have only been here for six days, and I already love it so much! It's a lot different than Paris. Not as much of a small town feel, but still beautiful, green, and friendly. 

My companion is so amazing! She's almost 25, so we have a lot in common. She has her Bachelors from USU so we're both old ladies. She's happy to be with me so that she's not the oldest one anymore haha! She's a really good missionary. She teaches really well and has a genuine love for the people she serves. We just laugh and laugh every day! I feel so grateful that Heavenly Father has allowed me to serve here with her. I have been so blessed with such great companions.

We've had some great things happen here so far. We had a breakthrough with Carolina. She hasn't been very friendly to the missionaries here, but this week she allowed us to walk with her to the Mexican store. She's really sweet. We're hoping to become better acquainted with her through service. 

We met with Kyle and Megan this week. They are referrals from the Zone Leaders. They are so amazing! We were able to answer their questions and taught The Restoration through our answers. They have two little kids who are dang cute. When they told us that they set aside every Tuesday night to spend time together as a family, Hermana Parra and I about fell off our chairs. They're so prepared!

We taught Victor whose wife is a member. He's super cool. He's from Puerto Rico and has the coolest accent! We knew that he'd been approached by missionaries before, so Hermana Parra felt impressed to approach him differently by asking him if we could practice teaching a lesson to him. He had a lot of great questions and said that he's willing to have us back to teach him more. Yay!

I have been studying Lehi's vision of the tree of life and what Nephi was able to see as well. As I have studied, I have learned a lot more about the rod of iron. The iron rod represents God's word. This includes the scriptures, inspired words from prophets and other church leaders, and personal revelation. As we hold to the rod, we are kept from the mists of darkness, or temptations of Satan such as pornography, seeking the acceptance or praise of others, addictions, selfishness, greed, being envious of others, failing to pray and study the scriptures, excessive use of electronic entertainment, excessive participation in any activity or sport, dishonesty, and following what everyone else does. 

As we take the time to armor ourselves against the adversary, we are able to receive the blessings that come from the Atonement. We allow ourselves to learn more about Jesus Christ and our purpose here on earth. 

Alma 32:24

"For behold, this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God; yea, behold the day of this life is the day for men to perform their labors."

Love y'all!

Hermana Boyson

That is a shelf cloud which is a great indication of a tornado. We barely missed it. Blessed. 🌪
This is a real pharmacy. And a soda shop. 😕

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Strawberries and Sunny Walks

Feliz lunes!

This hermana is gettin' out of dodge! I'm getting transferred to
Corydon, Indiana, and I'll be serving with Hermana Parra! I'm so sad
to be leaving Paris! The last 4.5 months have been filled with so much
growth! I have been blessed to have served here with Hermana Starling
and Hermana Rodriguez, and I've seen many miracles because of the
gospel of Jesus Christ. The members have been wonderful. I have homes
away from home with many of them. They have taken such good care of
us. I will miss them dearly.

Betsy is professing and loving the blessings that the gospel is
providing. She is so humble and teachable and is well on her way to
baptism. I'm going to really miss teaching her and getting to know her
more. Buena suerte, Betsy! Le quiero!

I read this during studies this week and wanted to share it. It
brought me a lot of peace to be reminded that when we make a mistake
or commit a sin, we have a loving Heavenly Father who wants us to turn
toward Him and allow the Atonement of His Son to change us.
"Of all the principles taught by prophets over the centuries, one that
has been emphasized over and over again is the hopeful and
heartwarming message that mankind can repent, change course, and get
back on the true path of discipleship.
That does not mean that we should be comfortable with our weaknesses,
mistakes, or sins. But there is an important difference between the
sorrow for sin that leads to repentance and the sorrow that leads to

My new address is
2250 Heritage Way NW #4
Corydon, IN 47112

💕 and 🐴
Hermana Boyson

Our recent convert, Angie. We went for a walk and enjoyed the nice day! ☀️

District lunch 🍴 Pioneers!

We sent this to Betsy when she didn't hear our knock ✌🏼 😁 

HRod and me with Hermano López and Betsy ❤️

Our Mario party! He ate with us on Mother's Day, and he sang to us. Haha!

Monday, May 8, 2017

Always Dreaming....about new investigators

Hi, y'all!

We've been so blessed this week with new opportunities! 

Betsy is doing great!  She enjoyed her first time at church and is anxiously engaged in our lessons. She agrees with everything we have taught so far, including the law of chastity and the Word of Wisdom. Everything makes sense to her, and her progress is amazing. During our lesson on Saturday, we forgot to start out by following up with her on her reading. While we were teaching, she applied what she had read in Helaman to what we taught about pray, studying the scriptures, and attending church. She's just so INCREDIBLE! Pray that she will be able to continue to progress and that she'll be ready for baptism. We're hoping that she'll be willing and ready to move up her baptismal date to this month. We think she'll be ready!

Amiee is doing really well! Sadly, she was pretty sick this week, so we weren't able to see her. We communicated through Messenger, and when we checked up on her reading, she said "What I have read, I love. It's simple and makes sense. P.S. Joseph Smith is AWESOME! I believe!"  We were ecstatic! We invited her to watch "Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration" while she's sick in bed, and she committed to watch it. We love seeing how this is all coming together for her. She has been deeply confused about which religion is true, distraught about what some religions preach, and discouraged about not having conviction in one. We know that she has been prepared to accept the restored gospel of Jesus Christ through her experiences. Although she has been struggling with disbelief, the simplicity and truthfulness of our message is bringing her the happiness and clarity that she's been searching for throughout her life.

We had a cool experience playing basketball with two teenagers, Devon and Jacob. I use the word "playing" very loosely here. We had been trained on different ways to find people, and playing basketball with people was one way that missionaries have been successful. Go figure! So we played with these little fellas in the rain and taught them about the plan of salvation. It was so great! But my basketball skills weren't. 

I have started the Book of Mormon this week, and this time I am really diving into it. I was reading in 1 Nephi 1:20about the tender mercies of the Lord. Elder Bednar said this about tender mercies. "The Lord's tender mercies are very personal and individualized blessings, strength, protection, assurances, guidance, loving-kindnesses, consolation, support, and spiritual gifts which we receive from and because of and through the Lord Jesus Christ." 

I invite you all to look for the tender mercies in your own lives and as you read in the Book of Mormon. "The Lord's tender mercies do not occur randomly or merely by coincidence. Faithfulness, obedience, and humility invite tender mercies into our lives, and it is often the Lord's timing that enables us to recognize and treasure these important blessings." 

Hearts & Horses,
Hermana Boyson  
Derby week! Some of the Sisters in our zone at Zone Conference. 
After we played basketball with Devon and Jacob, we felt like Utes basketball players ⛹ 🏀 
We tried to prank the Elders on Cince de Mayo by telling them they had to dress up or they would offend our Hispanic members. They caught on, so we left them a dead snake and Revelation 12:9. 🐍😏

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Best Grandma Ever!


It's been a fantastic week, y'all! Hermana Rodriguez threw me my very own doble quinceañera. I found a poofy dress from Goodwill. The sleeves made the dress. My theme was 
"High School Musical", so our front room looked like a miniature East High School. It was amazing! I 
received an outpouring of love all week, and I can't express my gratitude in words. It was so sweet to hear
from all of those who sent cards, gifts, emails, and posted on Facebook. 
The Elders gave me a gift that says "Best Grandma Ever." It was hilarious! 

We have had great success this week! We had a POWERFUL lesson with our investigator, Amiee. She is the most prepared person I've taught. 
She told us that she wanted a book that has been translated once because she is discouraged by the New World translation of the Bible. 
She prayed to know how to come closer to God and if there was a true church, send her someone to teach her. The next day, we showed up while looking for a less-active. She is just amazing! 
She will greatly benefit from the gospel of Jesus Christ. She has had many things happen in her life such as losing her mother in a car accident. She will be baptized on the 20th anniversary of her death. 
It's just awesome to see how she is accepting and loving our message.
Our investigator, Betsy, came to church on Sunday and really enjoyed it! The Rama Camino is so very welcoming to newcomers. The member who picked her up shared a lot about his conversion and how he has been blessed by the gospel. 
Betsy is always anxiously engaged in our lessons and fully participates. She's so great! 

I finished the Book of Mormon for the first time on Saturday! I'm embarrassed that it has taken place at age 30, but I guess that there's no time like the present. 
I have always had a belief in the Book of Mormon, but reading it to completion has brought me to another level of conversion. I love this book and the power that is found on its pages.
I am really looking forward to diving into it more deeply in my mission and after.

​Hearts and horses,
Hermana Boyson​

Celebrating with a High School Musical theme is the only way to turn 30.

We tried to recreate the cover of High School Musical. Crushed it!

Exchanges with Sister Endemann. 😎 

We found this sign at Goodwill, but the homemade signs are waaaaay better!

Service! Thanks for the shirt, Mom and Dad!

Feliz doble quinceañera! Thanks to my girls for the great day! Bless your hearts! ❤️