Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Keeping Up with the Corydon Sisters

Hey, y’all!

I’ve realized that I don’t know if I can still say “y’all” if I’m in Indiana...any feedback is appreciated.

This week in Corydon...

We are trusted. 

We had MLC on Monday night and Tuesday, and it was SO GOOD. We learned about how much the Lord trusts His missionaries. We got to be trained by Elder Bednar.....I know. I was freaking out too until we were told it was via training videos. Still cool though! The Lord really does trust us because He has given us everything we need to be successful. We have commandments, and we have the Atonement when we fall short. He loves us and has confidence as us as His children. All of us. 

We’re going to hell. 

On Saturday, we were checking out some potential investigators. We were looking for Megan but found her husband, a pastor. When he told us they’re moving to London, we encouraged him to check out to find a meetinghouse near him or to talk with the missionaries. This opened the flood gates. He proceeded to tell us that he had met with missionaries a long time ago and rejected the gospel. He gets excited to talk with us because we’re going to hell for not believing in the same Jesus from the Bible. We thanked him for caring about us and said goodbye. As much as we want to teach people about our beliefs, we avoid contentious situations because we can only teach by the Spirit. 

It’s fractured.

About a month ago, I was exercising without shoes on and rolled my foot. No good sounds came from my foot. Well, it was still bothering me so I took measures into my own hands and went to the doctor. A fractured fifth metatarsal. Dag! Lesson learned. Always wear shoes when exercising. And don’t try to be a hero and not go to the doctor when you suspect something’s wrong.

Sister Shumway is AMAZING!

We had exchanges this week, and Sister Shumway from AZ came to Corydon. We had a really cool lesson with Chris, a new investigator we met last week. She is a powerhouse. We were able to set a baptismal date with him! He’s never been baptized and doesn’t know the meaning of baptism....yet. We’re so excited to teach him the gospel!

If there is anything virtuous...we seek after [it].

In my studies this week, I have been focusing on virtue. ​​​​​2 Peter 1:5 “And beside this, giving all ​​​diligence​, add to your faith ​​​virtue​; and to virtue ​​​knowledge​;” When we have faith in Jesus Christ, we know Him, His mission, and how we can become like Him. We are propelled to resist evil and to only do good. We resist the urge to judge harshly, speak unkindly, and to push away the Spirit. It can be a challenge to think, speak, and do good continually, but we can pray for the strength to resist temptation and do what is right and quickly repent of any sins or wrongdoings. 

See you soon! Loves! 

❤️ Hermana Boyson

MLC with some of my favorite people. ✌🏼 

NWAL // New Albany Zone representin’

Exchanges with the Jasper Herms! 

Exchanges with the NWAL 🚲 Sisters. ✌🏼 

🎵 The rains came down and the floods came up 🎵 

Monday, February 19, 2018

Chili and Church Attendance

Hey! Ahem....two weeks until I see you all!

Wow, we had a great week. We were really discouraged about not being able to find people to teach. We committed ourselves and prayed HARD for the Lord to help us with our desires. This week we found SIX new people to teach! SIX! One is a potential family, so we’re really excited about that. 

Okay, here’s the COOLEST thing that has happened lately. We have been teaching Suzanna, a less-active/inactive member. We have really been trying to help build her faith, and we’ve actually been able to see her more than anyone else who we teach. Well, we told her about our ward’s Chili Cookoff on Saturday, and SHE CAME! She was nervous because she didn’t want people making a big fuss out of her, but people were just genuinely happy to see her. Theeeeen, SHE CAME TO CHURCH! Sister Hoyt and I were walking to the front doors to set up Spanish translation, and in walks Suzanna with some of the Spanish members. Holy cannoli! We about died from excitement. We kept our cool, but inside I was like a fan girl seeing her celebrity crush for the first time. It was so neat to see her. We know that Heavenly Father answered her prayers and ours. We know she is trying to do what will bring her more happiness.

On Friday we got our trunky papers aka flight plans. 😉 See you all March 7th!

❤️ Hermana Boyson

We saw this church sign on our way home from a dinner appointment. Hilarious!

We got Valentine’s Day gifts from one of our favorite families...

...and then got heart attacked ❤️ 💜 by our Young Women! 

The Nueva Albany Elders are thee COOLEST. We do language study together twice a week. It’s a party! 

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Lice and Listening to the Spirit

Hey y’all! 

What a week. I have had a sinus infection and probably some kind of virus, so I was down for the count for most of the week. On Saturday, I got a new companion! Hermana Hamilton went home for medical reasons and plans to return in six months. Sister Hoyt is my new gal. She’s so great. She grew up all over, but she’s currently from Perry, Utah. Hot dog! We’ve been having a good time together. 

So far we’ve evaded lice, taught a few lessons, and made it out alive from church. I spoke in our ward and while up on the stand, I noticed that the first speaker wasn’t there. At 9:05, he still was MIA. Soooo, I got to speak for 25 minutes on listening to and recognizing the Spirit. Thank goodness for the guidance of the Spirit! 

So Sister Hoyt doesn’t speak Spanish, so she kinda got thrown into the Spanish branch. Our sweet branch president find out she kind of plays piano, so she got to play for sacrament meeting. She was really nervous but did amazing! 

I wish I had more to share. Oh! My homecoming talk will be...

Sunday, March 18 @ 9am at the stake center in South Ogden. 

See you soon, chicos! 

❤️ Hermana Boyson 

At interviews with President and Sister Hughes 

Hermana Hamilton’s goodbye lunch with Bishop and his wife.

We made lots of visits to members so that Hermana Hamilton could say goodbye. 😢 

AMEN 🙌🏾 

Monday, February 5, 2018

Ten Points for Gryffindor!

Hola hola! 

This week in Corydon, IN...

We found Joanna!

We were working in Georgetown and wanted to visit some less-actives. At first she wasn't too jazzed about us coming in, but as we opened our mouths and showed her love, she invited us in. She got baptized when she was 21 and hasn't been to church in 25 years. It was so cool to teach her! We showed her a video about daily spiritual sustenance and how it applies to the Israelites receiving manna, and she paused and said, "This is so weird because I was just reading about this in the Bible. God gave them enough for only one day, and when they tried to store it, it went bad. It's the same thing with reading and praying." Yes! Joanna, you got it! 10 points for Gryffindor! We set up a return appointment. Later in the week, she told us she's doesn't want us to come by because she's having contradicting feelings. Bummer city. But we planted a seed and helped her to feel the Spirit. We know that God will take care of the rest.

We tracted a trailer park and found Mike!

Mike talked with missionaries a couple of years ago, and when we asked if he knew any Mormons, he said he used to work with a guy who turned out to be a member we eat with every Monday. Hooty hoo! We're really excited to go teach him. 

We had a bomb Zone Conference...

...and I gave my departing testimony. How surreal. I couldn't believe that I was one of the missionaries sitting up on the stand talking about how much I have loved this time to be a servant of the Lord. I can't imagine what my life would be like without my mission. I am eternally grateful to all of those who helped me get here. Whether big or small, your influence was for good. God knew that I needed to be refined. He knew my desires, and He knew that He could make more out of me than I could make out of myself.

"Men and women who turn their lives over to God will discover that He can make a lot more out of their lives than they can. He will deepen their joys, expand their vision, quicken their minds, strengthen their muscles, lift their spirits, multiply their blessings, increase their opportunities, comfort their souls, raise up friends, and pour out peace. Whoever will lose his life in the service of God will find eternal life." - Ezra Taft Benson

Love youins!

❤️ Hermana Boyson

We'll see you in a month! 

What do you see? ....the mooooon! 🔎🔍

Wrecks and Responsibility

This week's happenings...(sorry, pictures are all I have time for today!)

Said goodbye to Shelbyville and one of my sweetest friend.


The Paris 4 back at it again! The blessings of transfers. 

We helped one of our Spanish members get their car towed!

Spanish missionaries unite! We got to hear from Elder Robbins of the Seventy about being 100% responsible.