Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Saying 'Goodbye' to Shelbyville

Hey, y'all!

We have been blessed with so many miracles this week. Sandra prayed out loud! And because of technology, she has been able to listen to the Book of Mormon since she has challenges with reading comprehension. Alexi is awesome. He understands the Plan of Salvation and is working to get to church. He works Saturdays and Sundays, and only has 30 minutes for lunch. We know he'll get to church if he works for it. Noemy is amazing. We had a really neat Plan of Salvation lesson which ended in happy tears. Jose is a great help to her. All of these investigators' schedules allow us to meet with them multiple times during the week, and they're ready and willing to meet with us. 

Well, transfer calls came again. I'll be leaving my home for the last 7 months, and I'll be going back to Corydon! I'm so so sad to leave Shelbyville. I have met so many wonderful people and have served with great missionaries. Corydon was one of my most loved areas even though I was only there for 5 weeks. 

My new address is 

2250 Heritage Way NW #4 

Corydon, IN 47112

It's so strange to be going into my last transfer. I don't know how I got here. I remember thinking to myself that I couldn't continue, but God provided a way for me to serve here. My brother shared this with me about the Atonement. "My relationship with the Savior has grown in such a way that I realized that the Atonement isn't just for repenting of sin or to be comforted in hard times, but it's a power that can heal us from our weaknesses. It changes us if we allow it to and if we put the effort into wanting to change. It makes up the difference in our effort to be obedient to things that seem like they're too difficult to live up to." I have seen this work in my life as I have served these 16.5 months. Although I still have a long way to go, I have been able to make changes in my life through the Atonement. I never realized until I read his words that it was the Atonement working in my life. God is good. 

¡Hasta luego!

Hermana Boyson

Our cute district attempting to fight frostbite.

Exchanges with Lex Norte Part II. Love these hermanitas!

Churros auténticos with Noemy. Mmmmm!

Alexi with his Libro de Mormón ❤️ 😢 

Our sweet Sandra. She prayed out loud at the end of our lesson, and we about burst into tears. 

We tried to take a selfie, but a member insisted on taking our picture for us. Should've insisted on the selfie. Mis amados hermanos y hermanas. 💕 

Goodbye dinner with my favorite people. 

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